The Week @ W

Tuesday, May 7 – Thursday, May 9

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm (EDT)

Cost: Free

You’re invited to join me for a three-day journey to understand better the Climate crisis and what might happen for us in the next 10, 20 and 30 years. 

Recently, I joined a group on this same journey and it was both eye opening and thought-provoking. Now I’m on a mission to share this same experience for others.

Please ensure, if you sign-up that you’re able to attend all three modules. I will have more occurrences happening soon so if this one isn’t convenient please add your name to the list and I’ll let you know when I’m hosting The Week again soon.

Please join me for this conversation.

Is The Week for you?

A couple sitting on a bench near a lake at sunset.Recently, it’s been hard not to notice how fast the climate is changing. Experts say it will get worse really rapidly. The Week is for those of us who want to know:

  • how this will affect us, in the next 10, 20 or 30 years
  • and what we can do about it.
Too often, this issue feels abstract and overwhelming. The Week is a way to engage this issue, for real, with our friends, family or colleagues. It doesn’t tell us what to do, but empowers us to make up our own minds. So that we can say down the line: I knew what I needed to know, I did what I need to do and I have no regrets.

What is the week?

  • It’s a group experience – because it’s helpful to engage with a topic as big as the climate crisis with a group rather by yourself.
  • 3 Episodes and Conversations – We will get together 3 times to watch a one-hour documentary film, followed by a guided conversation for 30 minutes or more to make sense of it all.
  • A “U” Shaped Journey – Episode 1 is the hard one where go down the “U” looking at what’s coming, Episode 2 is to make sense of it all, and Episode 3 gets us up the “U” to empower and inspire.
  • No polar bears – The week isn’t about polar bears or ice sheets melting. It is focused on what is likely to happen to us and the people we love in the next 10, 20 or 30 years.

A big acknowledgement for putting this program together goes to:

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Building Great Teams

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