The Leadership Forum

Surrounding yourself with the right people changes everything!

  • Do you need support to grow both you and your business?
  • Are you so busy working in your business that you’re not working on your business?
  • How would a dedicated and passionate group of peers help you grow?

The Leadership Forum connects like-minded professionals from across the globe to achieve one thing:

To Supercharge Your Leadership!

Unlike other membership groups, your monthly cohort session will work on your problems and feature a hot-topic leadership speaker fueling unparalleled professional growth opportunities for everyone. Your cohort will interact and support each other as colleagues in a confidential peer-to-peer setting.

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler

Given cohort participants lead the topics:

  • The discussion is raw, real, and rich.
  • The topics are relevant for you.
  • The relationships developed are real.
  • The support network you will develop is far-reaching.

Coaching and Mentoring Tailored For You

As a part of your cohort membership, you will also have a monthly one-on-one Executive Coaching and Mentoring session with Mike.

This time is dedicated to you, individually, to work on any topics of discussion you choose or goals you personally want to work towards.

A man and woman sitting at a computer in the office giving each other a high five.

Is The Leadership Forum for you?

Getting something out of The Leadership Forum takes your commitment to the program.

The following survey is designed to help you answer the question, “Is The Leadership Forum right for me?”

For each of the eleven statements below, indicate how frequently you feel the statement applies to you. Do NOT overthink your answers, as your first thought will often be the best answer. 

Once complete, your results will be emailed along with additional information about the program to help you decide.

Indicate your answer on a scale of 1 to 5, where:

1 – Seldom   2 – Infrequently    3 – Sometimes    4 – Frequently   5 – Always

Your Nine-Month Membership Includes:

  • Monthly two-hour Cohort meetings, including a featured speaker
  • Monthly 45-minute individual coaching session with Mike
  • Hot topic support from Mike between sessions
  • Private chat room for peer support and connections between calls
  • Collaborative space to share, capture, and collaborate

“Effectively, change is almost impossible without industry-wide collaboration, and consensus.” – Simon Mainwaring

About Mike Edwards

In my work, I draw on all of my skills and experience to coach, mentor, and teach you.

The result is that you will reach your goals sooner, and the impact will serve you far beyond our work together. After all, our relationship is temporary, but your desire to be a great leader will be forever.

I believe responsibility inspires responsibility, which is why you will find The Responsibility Process® underpinning all of my work. As an Accredited Mentor, and authorized trainer for The Responsibility Company, I deliver private and public programs, in addition to being on faculty for their Immersion programs.

I am also a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CTI), Professional Certified Coach (ICF), Leadership Graduate (CTI), Organizational and Relationship Systems Coach (CRR Global), and IC-Agile Expert-Agile Coaching (IC Agile).

Learn more about Mike.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will we connect?

All Cohort and individual coaching calls will be hosted through Zoom by Leading for Change.

When will calls be scheduled?

All calls will be scheduled by the Cohort Participants to ensure the timing works for everyone involved.

Who will be the other participants in my cohort?

Participants will be selected based on having similar interests, mindsets, and needs.

What is the refund policy of the Forum?

A forum requires the commitment of participants over an extended period of time. For this reason, the fees are non-refundable during the first six months.

Isn’t this just a Mastermind program?

In many ways, yes, it is a mastermind program. However, the Leadership Forum goes beyond by providing you access to expert speakers, one-to-one executive coaching, and the ongoing support of your community.

Is the Leadership Forum offered in-house?

Yes. In fact, when team members participate in a forum together they benefit from a shared experience that will provide them ongoing support long beyond the program.

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

When you subscribe to this series, you will receive valuable information and insights from Mike about what it takes to build great teams. You are free to unsubscribe anytime!

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