You have two options if your team is struggling to improve their performance or any other quality.
You could lower your expectations to meet their performance. It is, of course, possible you were expecting too much. With this choice, I’m going to bet you will get what you expect.
You could choose not to lower your expectations to meet their performance. There is almost always more potential than we give ourselves credit. The problem is we humans tell ourselves stories which hold us back from that potential.
Do not lower your expectation. Start from where the team is today. To start anywhere else is inviting failure.
Then, ask the team to help by improving something. It does not have to be big and earth-shattering. Imagine where you’ll be when they find one small thing to improve each day.
Imagine where they’ll be when improving something every day becomes the new status quo. Now that’s a great habit to develop!
You’ve got this.