The Netflix show, “The Social Dilemma” is getting a lot of air time right now. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a hard-hitting look at the reality of how the business model for social media companies has them having a significant impact on human behaviour. Simply put, they make money by holding your attention.
The show has caused us to pause and re-examine our use of social media. I’ve been ramping up my presence on social media for business reasons, and we wondered if that’s the right thing to be doing. Maybe, maybe not.
I’ve decided to stay the course. However, I’m not going to let social media control my time. I’ve turned off what few notifications were still on, and limit the time I’m spending on social media. In fact, I’ve started setting intentions for what I’m going to do online.
I do recommend watching “The Social dilemma.” Form your own opinion, then take responsibility for what you choose to do next.
You’ve got this.