Judgement is a natural response to problems that happen in your world. When you judge, though, you are responding to the anxiety you’re feeling about the problem. The result is often to give yourself, or someone else advice about what would make you feel better. While you might feel better, you’re unlikely to resolve problems when you judge.

The antidote to judgement is curiosity. Curiosity is “the desire to know or learn something.” When you can open your mind to learning something from a problem, you open your mind to growing due to the problem.

Great leaders are infinitely curious about the world around them. Problems are an opportunity to grow. All you need to do is get curious and find out where the opportunity is taking you. Better yet, instill the gift of curiosity in your team as they’ll solve the problems themselves.

You’ve got this.

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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