I wrote this in my journal while on vacation:
This morning I am sitting outside the trailer, looking out over Cedar Lake. It is a beautiful morning with a high cloud cover and strong winds blowing up the lake.
Today we are planning on paddling up the lake to explore the outlet of the lake [about 5kms from here at the Petawawa River]. Currently, to do that would require paddling against the waves. There are whitecaps out there, so I also know it’s going to take a little work.
Despite the waves, I am looking forward to going for this paddle. We’ll go prepared, and even be equipped to seek shelter on a remote campsite down at the other end of the lake if we need to.
When I read this journal entry, I thought it’s the perfect metaphor for my working life right now. I’ve made some fairly significant decisions which are leaving me both excited and a little fearful. It is a big world out there, and the waves I am paddling into can be pretty big at times.
Whether it’s canoeing in rough weather or looking for the next direction in my working life, I am committed to living my life boldly every single day. Living this way makes me feel alive, and fulfills a commitment I’ve made to myself to reject compromises.
It’s not about taking unnecessary risks, rather it’s about pushing my boundaries and living my life freely, boldly and at choice every day.
Thought of the week
What are you going to do this week that you’ve been afraid to do? It might be that conversation you’ve been putting off, or going after that job you’ve always wanted. Perhaps it’s asking someone out on a date even though you think they’ll never be interested in you.
Whatever it is, all I know is if you’re waiting for a better time to just go for it, you will never find it. I could have sat on the shore looking out at the lake that day, but we chose to go exploring and had a beautiful day as a result.
So why and not paddle out on an adventure, you never know; some big waves might kick up today making the perfect day to go for it!