On CBC Radio One this morning, they were telling the story of a father/son expedition. The pair paddled their canoe nearly 20,000 kilometers from Winnipeg, Manitoba, to the Amazon River’s mouth. The trip took them 23 months and put them in many life-threatening situations.

While the stories were amazing, there was one thing the son said that stood out for me. The interviewer asked the son why he thought his Dad took him on the trip. The son’s answer was: “My Dad never let himself be held back by his stories. He believed you could either sit around telling yourself stories of how something isn’t possible. Or you can go out and do it.”

What are the stories you’re telling yourself? What do you want that seems unachievable? What would be different if you knew it is achievable?

You’ve got this.

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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