
In honour of Canada Day I want to dedicate this post to why I love being Canadian! There are many reasons I couldn’t imagine living somewhere else:

  • images-3Canada is HUGE! From where I live in Southern Ontario, Canada is 3,182 Kms to the eastern most point.  5,083 Kms to the western most point. 4,183 Kms to our most northern point (but you can’t drive there which is even more of a reason to go there one day!) It’s hard to get bored here! I can travel a long time without needing a passport.
  • We have snow!  OK this last winter tried my patience. However I love snow as it means we have variety in our seasons.



  • We have more lakes than all other countries in the world combined. This also translates to 20% of the worlds fresh water being in Canada. Which makes some of my favourite summer activities possible such as swimming, boating and fishing.
  • We use the metric system … mostly. It means I can use which ever scale works to my advantage. For example, when I need to cut a piece of wood and have to do the math to add/subtract fractions my head hurts. So I switch to metric … easy!
  • We have some really cool animals here like Beaver, Moose and Polar Bears.
  • images77% of the world’s Maple Syrup is made here … need I say more?
  • Our national police service, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, has the most recognizable uniform in the world!
  • Highway of Heroes 2We honour our fallen Armed Services Personnel like no other country I’ve heard of. When they return to Canada and travel the Highway of Heros. People line up honour their final journey. Brings a tear to the eye
  • And finally we’re just simply … nice people!


I know many of you will also make argument about your country being so great. That’s OK … you’re entitled to your opinion! My opinion is I live in the greatest country in the world!

Happy Birthday Canada!



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