I have spent a lifetime struggling to believe in myself. This struggle manifested itself in so many ways, killing my dreams, hope, and in some ways the very thing that had me living.  It’s time to take a stand for what I believe in. I am choosing to take a stand for living my life!

I invite you to watch this video before going further

“Fear kills dreams! Fear kills hope!”

For most of my life, I have been ruled by fear. Fear of looking stupid, fear of vulnerability, fear of falling flat on my face. It doesn’t mean I haven’t lived. What it does mean is I was holding myself back from doing the things which bring me the greatest sense of passion. I wasn’t living with purpose. I was living someone else’s life!

Fear killed my dreams. The very impact I wanted to have on this world was not happening because I kept holding myself back out of fear. I had lost hope of ever achieving the greatness I wanted more than anything else in my heart. I’m not talking about greatness in some materialistic way such as money, position or notoriety. I’m talking about serving others to allow them to see through their darkness and live their life with passion.

I’ve changed jobs every 3-4 years throughout my career.I once found myself moving upward in an organization because of the things I was doing. So what did I do … I quit as my heart was empty. I frequently felt like an outsider in the places I worked. It’s not that I didn’t work hard and have some great friendships. I had lots of success in doing things, but I can now see I was always missing something … me.

I’ve spent a career at settling for good enough. It didn’t matter whether I was passionate about the work. I convinced myself society expected me to get ahead, rather than live fully as myself. I now know this is why I’ve felt so empty until recently.

“It takes courage to start over again!”

I keep thinking I know what this word “courage” means. What I now see is courage is something I find by looking inside, and finding the strength coming from my heart. Courage cannot be rationalized, so stop trying to think about it. Courage is the willingness to step into the light and let yourself be seen just as you are. Courage is not giving my power away to others. Courage allows me to be seen as me.

Last week I attended the CTI Leadership Program – Retreat 1 (of 4). When I started the week, I was fighting with my heart and the courage to be seen. I wanted the courage to surrender to the retreat process. I wanted the courage to find what’s true in my heart. I wanted the courage to allow those who are around me to support and help me in the journey we are starting together. I wanted the courage to put aside all the little stories I’ve used for a very long time to ‘protect’ me.

It’s never too late to start over … if you choose courage.

“Take full responsibility for your life!”

I’m through with not living! I’m through with letting fear rule my path through my life. I choose to stand up for me … and I choose to follow my heart and live a life full of passion and purpose! I choose life!

There’s nothing I want more for this world than for more people to find their inner courage. To listen to your hearts, to listen to your passions, to live your life with purpose. You have it in you. You only have to choose to take full responsibility for your life.

You have to make a stand … Your life depends on it!

“The last chapter of your life has not yet been written.”

It’s never too late. I don’t care if you’re 16 or 96, it’s never too late to change how the last chapter of your life will read. Accept who you are, where you are, what you are and choose to put aside the stories which hold you back. Ask for help! Take an uncompromising stand that you will live YOUR life!

I am choosing to write the last chapters of my life with purpose. I am becoming clearer in what my heart is telling me. I am letting go of the judgment which has prevented me from accepting and embracing some pretty significant gifts I have in me.

I am choosing to live MY life!

“You have got to make a declaration that this is what you stand for.”

To persevere is important for everyone. Don’t ever give up. Don’t ever give in. Your life depends on it!

My journey has been full of lots of ups and downs. The way in which Rosie (my soulmate & wife), holds me with such compassion, strength and love is undeniably one of biggest reasons I keep moving forward with such determination. I could not be on this journey otherwise.

See yourself. Be patient with yourself. Love yourself. Choose to stand for you. Find support for yourself as it will not be an easy journey. However, the one thing I can tell you with confidence; is this will be THE most rewarding journey you ever take.

The human spirit is strong. I know you have it in you. All you need to do is believe in you.

Stand up for you!

Are you ready to take a stand!?!

Join us on retreat May 27-29, 2016

Click the heart to learn more

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