I have struggled with what to write about all week. So, here I am at 6:00 am (i.e. two hours ago) staring at a blinking cursor wondering “Am I done?”

The first post in this series was published on February 2, 2016. In that post, I stated my intention which was to share a bit of my journey in the hope that little bits of my story would inspire others to take action in their lives. I never pretend to have all the answers, rather just my story I can share in hopes that it inspires someone.

During the past two years, my life has changed in ways I previously could not have imagined. There have been many ups and downs along the way, and there have even been times of wondering if all this struggle is worth it. The answer is always yes, of course, as I don’t intend to waste my life living someone else’s story.

Writing these posts has been a rewarding experience for me. First, I find it almost therapeutic to sit and write about some experience I’ve had recently. What is most rewarding, though, are the countless notes I’ve received from you.

The note might be simply thanks or a small story about how my writing has inspired someone into action. Whatever it is in the note, these simple notes make me smile every time. It’s a sign that by sharing a bit of my story I can make a difference to others.

So back to my original question: Am I done? The answer, if you’re not already guessing, is “no, I am not done.” In fact, much like my life itself, we’re only just getting started. When I started this series, I committed to publish these posts every week for a year. One year turned into two years, and now I can’t imagine ever stopping.

Thank you for reading these posts, and I look forward to what the future might bring for both of us.

Thought of the week

My first post included the quote: “Take action! An inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of intention” – Dr Steve Maraboli.

What are your life goals right now? I’m not talking about New Year’s resolutions, as they are almost always short lived and meaningless. What are the goals you hold that actually matter in life? Is it to be happy? Is it to find true love? Is it to experience more freedom?

The truth is many of these things are about the choices we make in life. So what are you choosing to do today that could move you one step closer to your goals? No matter where you find yourself though, just never stop taking action and never stop believing.

After all, it’s your life we’re talking about, and you only get one chance to live it.

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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