Do you like receiving rewards? I do.

I’m in a business program where the leaders gamified a set of actions that will help us further develop our businesses. And, to sweeten the pot, the person with the most points each month receives a prize.

I won the prize in January.

The potential problem is that when you offer such rewards, people might prioritize the reward itself ahead of the desired change.

While the reward is fun, my primary goal in this game has been to develop new habits to build my business. The game is helping me find the practices that work best for me.

I’m now looking at the structures and help I need to make sustainable changes. Without this, the reward is just a fun moment in time.

Take a moment before you offer a reward to someone. First, get clear on the change you’re looking to incent with the prize. Then ask yourself what’s going to help the change stick.

You’ve got this.

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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