David Marquet recently tweeted:

“Let’s do this” an order implying co-participation often meaning “you do this” used by bosses who don’t own up to the fact that they are giving an order. If you do give an order, own it.

What David is pointing out is the importance of the language leaders use.

It all starts, though, with the mindset behind your words.

Before giving directions to your team, start with a quick check-in on your mindset. Do you intend to issue an order? Or, do you view it as you’re all going to roll up your sleeves and get it done?

If it’s an order, then say it like it is, “I need you to …”

When you’re aware of your mindset, your words are more likely to match. People are more likely to follow leaders whose words and mindsets match.

It all starts with awareness.

You’ve got this.

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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