The author of a post on the World economic forum provides a different perspective on the Great Resignation.

“Whilst rates are increasing, we may not be facing a resignation crisis; the data shows that quit rates in the U.S. have increased by just 5% since 2019 (from 28% to 33%).”

A 5% increase in resignation rates over two years sounds far less alarming than: “Resignations were at an all-time high, with 4.5 million people quitting their jobs in November alone.”

Regardless of how alarmed you are: With the current average at 33%, what will be the impact if 1/3 of your workforce resign?

The cost is high when people resign. The cost of bringing on new people is higher yet.

While you couldn’t and don’t want to reduce the resignation rate to zero, what are you doing to lower the average?

Here’s a thought: Ask your people what would need to be different to keep them happy in work with you.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know that answer before they resign?

You’ve got this.

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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