When a leader responds from fear, they unintentionally gift the fear to their teams.

When a leader is unwilling to be vulnerable, they unintentionally make it unsafe for others to be vulnerable.

When a leader is unavailable to the team, the team will be unavailable to them.

The inverse is true too

When a leader demonstrates courage by stepping through the discomfort of a problem, they gift the team with the same courage.

When a leader can be honest about their fears, they unintentionally give the team permission to do the same.

When a leader trusts themselves and the team, the team will as well.

A team really does rise to the level of leadership they experience.

You’ve got this.

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

When you subscribe to this series, you will receive valuable information and insights from Mike about what it takes to build great teams. You are free to unsubscribe anytime!

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