I’ve spent a lot of effort, time and money becoming the leader I am. I pride myself in the ability to enter most situations and support people who want to create something better.
Not everyone, though, wants my support. I know this likely seems like an obvious statement. However, it’s also true for some who hire me.
This reality used to frustrate me. I took it personally when people wouldn’t follow me. It would eat me up inside, and there were many times I wanted to give up. I took it as a failing of my leadership.
If you find yourself in a similar position, do not take it personally. Your job is to light up the path so others might choose to follow.
- Some will follow you
- Some won’t follow you
- Who cares? Don’t take it personally when they don’t follow you. It’s not about you.
- Who’s next? There are plenty of others who need your leadership. Keep going.
You’ve got this.