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Tomorrow I will publish my 1,000th blog post! Around 500 of those posts have been published five days per week for 2 years.

What amazes me is that those posts contain more than 320,000 words! I think there may be another book in those words!

The most popular post now has more than 100,000 views! It is the sad story of our dog Hunter dying and how WestJet went above and beyond to get me home fast and with support.

The post, while sad, taught me a valuable leadership lesson about the power of vulnerability. It’s a lesson that keeps growing in me as I learn to continue to be vulnerable in the service of helping others.

Join me tomorrow and help me celebrate my 1,000th blog post. I’ll share five leadership lessons from publishing so many posts.

For more information and to register: https://leadingforchange.ca/event/webinar-five-leadership-lessons-i-learned-from-writing-1000-blog-posts/

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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