This morning I am on my way home from my final retreat of the CTI Leadership Program. The program is a ten-month program, which has been an incredible journey for myself and 17 other wonderful people. 

There are so many things I could write about this program and these people. However, this morning, I want to celebrate my family, and loved ones, and inspiration … The Mighty Ferrets. 

Every group who goes through this program is a tribe as we stick together through the program. Our tribe was named The Ferrets. As a result of how we played, worked, laughed, cried and most importantly grew together we came to be known as The Mighty Ferrets.

So this morning I want to celebrate my tribe. We are stronger because we are a tribe. We can accomplish so much more together than individually. We are family bound together by a calling the world needs now … to lead!

I am far more with my tribe than I am alone. They are there to support me, to love me, to push me and at times call my BS. They see me as better than I see myself, and I know my leadership will continue to grow with them.

Watch out World! They’ve turned loose The Mighty Ferrets.

This week’s thought:

Who are your tribes? A tribe is any group with whom you have a common purpose, vision, and beliefs. They might be people you work with, family, a church group, or people in your community. You look after each other, support each other, love each other.

Whoever they are, just take a minute to think about how you are stronger, better, and brighter with them than you would be without them. I know you are better with them than without them.

Now celebrate them. Embrace them. Thank them for helping you be a better person. I know I do.

Thank you Mighty Ferrets

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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