Last Saturday, we went to see the musical “Come from Away.” It’s the story of the people of Gander, Newfoundland, looking after the people in 38 planes forced to land in their small town on 9/11.

It’s also the story of people from around the world isolated from everything and everyone they know. In some cases, they lived through uncertainty, not knowing if their friends and loved ones were alive.

The people were forced together by the circumstances of a dark time in history. Yet, they looked after each other, solved problems, pitched in, and walked away forever, connected and changed from the experience.

Our world is full of problems right now. In 2022, my wish is that we find ways to recreate this experience on a global scale. It is, after all, the path to a future I believe we all want.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Yuletide greetings, Happy Holidays, Joyeux Noël, Felix Navidad, Seasons Greetings.

However you say or celebrate it, let it stand for the start of something better in 2022.

You’ve got this.

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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