I love the inspiring stories emerging from around the world. Strangers are saying “hi” to each other. Neighbours are checking in and looking after each other. Companies are donating medical gear to keep our front line workers safe.

We will get through these times by doing things together. The neighbours who support each other will struggle less. The companies who find new ways to work with others will thrive.

What can you do to support the world around you, even if that means supporting your competition? In helping out each other, we create abundance in a world full of scarcity thinking.

What will you do for someone today?

You’ve got this.

Together, we’ve got this.

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

When you subscribe to this series, you will receive valuable information and insights from Mike about what it takes to build great teams. You are free to unsubscribe anytime!

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