“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.” – Groucho Marx

celebrate-pictofigo-hi-013I know as a reader you are busy and have lots you could be reading. However, I invite you to go back up to the quote and read it slower. It’s important. Pick it apart and absorb the words.

I have long held on to this quote. I have always read the words and tried to internalize them, which is that I can choose my reality and how I want to be, Out side influences can only make me happy or unhappy if I let them. In other words My Reality is Exactly what I choose it to be.  (Link to a great post by my friend Jessica Soroky).

Over the past number of months I have been on a journey of discovery as I felt stuck.  Specifically I was asking a lot of deep question about my career and what I was doing. I can now see I even had a bad case of Impostor Syndrome happening. It’s not that I didn’t want what I had but I didn’t feel everything was right and that I deserved my success. This feeling manifested itself in many ways. One example was when I was networking with people I didn’t know. I would approach these people with a feeling of shame (ie. why would they want to talk with me?)

This is when I hired a Deb Preuss as a coach for myself. I knew I needed help getting myself unstuck. I didn’t know what was working against me or why but I knew something was in my way. Deb coached me through this and long story short I started having some significant break throughs in August.  I found my purpose:

Life is too short to be unhappy at work!

Another way to say this is … I want you to have the best job ever!

As a result of this clarity around my purpose in this universe I have found something incredible has happened. I feel aligned! For the first time I think I know what my friend Scotty Bevill means when he talks about alignment. I always assumed he was talking about the type of alignment involving vectors to external factors. While it’s important to be aligned to external influences I have to be aligned with myself first.

Alignment has meant creating clarity and alignment in all parts of my life. Certainly in the areas of Career, personal growth and money but more importantly areas such as relationships, health, having fun and so much more! It’s not to say I won’t deviate from this alignment in the future, but I am confident I can correct this quicker next time.

This balance means I am now truly Free, Powerful and at Choice!

One of the big career choices I have made as a result of this is I am now working towards becoming professional coach. This doesn’t mean I’m giving up being an Agile Coach, and wanting to work with great teams. Quite the contrary as I love doing team work as well. However, I have have been coaching individuals for a very long time and now I want to strengthen that skill so I can be more effective.

To become a professional coach I have chosen the Co-Active Coaching program as my research leaves me believing I feel most aligned with their approach & philosophies. I know this will help me fulfill my purpose in this universe. To help others be happy at work, and more importantly live an integrated life.

As I am starting this new journey to become a Co-Active coach I am looking for people who might be interested in coaching. We do not need to be in the same room as coaching sessions can be done by phone. So regardless of where you are in the world let’s talk.

I have two offers for you:

  • During the course there will be 6 all week-end workshops. I will be assigned homework for each Saturday evening, and it requires coaching someone. This will only take an hour of your time. There will be no cost to you for this session, even if we already work together to provide you coaching.
  • At the same time I am looking for a couple people who would like on-going coaching to break free of whatever might be holding you back. My new website will be active in a couple weeks which will provide more insight into what this means, but if you’re interested please don’t wait. There will be a cost for this type of coaching but will be significantly discounted given you are helping me while I am in the Co-Active Coaching Program.

Coaching is always approached in a relationship built on trust. So anything and everything we work on will be confidential unless you agree otherwise.

If you’re interested in helping with either of these send me a note at: mike@leanintuit.com or just call me at (519) 807-1367

Here’s to being Free, Powerful and at Choice!  Care to join me?

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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