Webinar: A trusted leader builds a culture of trust

Trust is a big part of why organizations succeed or fail. But truly, what is trust? How do you know if you have trust 'right?' How do you create more trust? How do you talk about trust? Join leadership coaches Mike Edwards and Georges O.R. Chakar as they explore multiple perspectives on trust and leadership. […]

Pop-up Training: Feeling free in the midst of chaos

With the amount of chaos in the world right now, it's easy to find yourself churning and unsure of how you can make a difference. I know what it feels like. When it happens to me, it leaves me feeling like I'm walking through thick mud. Left unchecked, these feelings can significantly impact on your […]

Pop-up Training: Feeling free in the midst of chaos

With the amount of chaos in the world right now, it's easy to find yourself churning and unsure of how you can make a difference. I know what it feels like. When it happens to me, it leaves me feeling like I'm walking through thick mud. Left unchecked, these feelings can significantly impact on your […]

Pop-up Training: The Bigger Game

Two conversations design what is happening in your life: The one in your head and the one in your relationships. Reminiscent of a simple tic-tac-toe board, it was designed from the premise that life is one big game. And if life is a game, why not play one that excites, fulfills, and challenges you to […]

Four day Challenge: Leading in Your Life

What do you want next in your life, yet you keep finding reasons not to pursue it? - Starting your own business?- Retiring without retirement?- Starting over with a career change? With everything happening in the world today, it might seem safer to keep things the same. Whatever you’re wanting, it’s time to start making […]

Four day challenge: Get out from behind the podium

Have you ever dreamed of being a conference speaker? Maybe you’ve already done that, but you don’t think it was very good and you're not sure you'll try that again. It’s time to stop hiding and let your voice be heard! I believe everyone has something to share, and I want to help you do […]

Pop-up Training: The world is waiting for you to speak

Do you have something to share that could help others? (spoiler alert: You do!) In 2009, I spoke at a conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, titled "Much Ado about Agile IV." This was the first time I chose to be at the front of a room with dozens of people looking to learn something from […]

Activate You Masterclass

Leadership development programs are often designed to give you the knowledge and behaviours of leadership. While many are great programs, they often fall short in helping you construct a new reality from what you're learning.

Taking more courses isn't going to get you off that treadmill.

It's time to activate what you already have!

Play your Bigger Game

Two conversations design what is happening in your life: The one in your head and the one in your relationships. Reminiscent of a simple tic-tac-toe board, it was designed from the premise that life is one big game. And if life is a game, why not play one that excites, fulfills, and challenges you to […]

In-Person Workshop: Flawless Team Building

To be Determined Toronto, ON, Canada

You can build any team, any time. It’s not rocket science, but it is a skill you can learn. During this interactive workshop you will learn, then practice the step-by-step team leadership process and activities that build a cohesive, high-performance team that will succeed with clear agreements and shared responsibility.


Pop-up Training: Resiliency without recovery is a recipe for burnout

Resiliency is about moving forward in the face of adversity. Recovery is about returning to yourself so you can keep moving forward. Recovery without resiliency will leave you motionless. Resiliency without recovery is the perfect recipe for burnout. As we start the new year, join me and add recovery to your vocabulary after such a […]

Pop-up Training: Resiliency without recovery is a recipe for burnout

Resiliency is about moving forward in the face of adversity. Recovery is about returning to yourself so you can keep moving forward. Recovery without resiliency will leave you motionless. Resiliency without recovery is the perfect recipe for burnout. As we start the new year, join me and add recovery to your vocabulary after such a […]

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

When you subscribe to this series, you will receive valuable information and insights from Mike about what it takes to build great teams. You are free to unsubscribe anytime!

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