Five-Day Challenge – Meetings that don’t suck!

There’s an elephant in the room. And, that elephant just might be how dull or wasteful your meetings are. Every day people are expected to attend some of the millions […]

High-performing teams never happen by accident

There are many reasons to do team-building activities. The obvious one is when people come together to form a team. You also want to do team-building when: the membership changes, […]

Pop-up Training – You’ve got to talk about it!

The business world has you feeling overwhelmed with all of the problems you need to solve. The great resignation, vaccine and mask mandates, economic and political uncertainty, and climate change. […]

Workshop: Flawless Team Building

You can build any team, any time. It’s not rocket science, but it is a skill you can learn. During this interactive workshop you will learn, then practice the step-by-step team leadership process and activities that build a cohesive, high-performance team that will succeed with clear agreements and shared responsibility.

Pop-up Training: Stop trying to get it right!

I know the cost of trying to get it right. Yet, I keep catching myself holding back, editing, and not putting it out there. What are you trying to get right? […]

Pop-up Training: The Bigger Game

Two conversations design what is happening in your life: The one in your head and the one in your relationships. Reminiscent of a simple tic-tac-toe board, it was designed from […]

Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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