Is it possible to go to work incomplete?

Several months ago something significant changed for me. As a result of my activities in coaching I’ve learned to be present with parts of myself I have been neglecting or possibly denying for a very long time. Vulnerability is certainly one of them as was...

Only incomplete people allowed?

What does it feel like for you to feel constrained from showing your true and full self. For me it’s not a great feeling as I’m always left feeling inadequate. I keep thinking of all the times in my past jobs where I was clearly told “You are not...

Curious … What is “enough”?

If you follow me you’ll know a couple weeks ago I wrote about being present with vulnerability. I ended the post with three simple words … “I am enough”. When I wrote the post it just flowed naturally from my heart. No thinking, no judgement,...
Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

When you subscribe to this series, you will receive valuable information and insights from Mike about what it takes to build great teams. You are free to unsubscribe anytime!

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