I don’t want what they have

I find one of the most challenging and rewarding parts of my working life is creating new content. I’m referring to new posts, workshop content, website content, coaching tools and more. My biggest challenge lately is related to my intention to publish a book. I’ve...

How heavy are those obligations?

Have you ever thrown a rock into a pond to watch the splash it creates? I was that kid who always looked for a bigger rock to throw in. Eventually, I’d find a huge rock I could barely move. I’d struggle to bring it to the water’s edge. Then with a significant effort,...

Am I done?

I have struggled with what to write about all week. So, here I am at 6:00 am (i.e. two hours ago) staring at a blinking cursor wondering “Am I done?” The first post in this series was published on February 2, 2016. In that post, I stated my intention which was to...
Building Great Teams

Building Great Teams

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